Introduction of palm oil extractor
Palm oil extractor is used to extract the crude palm oil from palm fruit for efficient yield rate. Palm oil extractor, also known as palm oil extraction machine, palm oil expeller, palm oil mill plant, palm nut oil extractor, is very popular among main palm oil processors, especially countries in Africa. Palm oil extractor, equipped with advanced design, can greatly improve the palm oil production rate and minimize investment costs.
Features of Palm Oil Extractor:
- Palm oil extractor is used for increasing palm oil production
- Designed with durability for long-term palm oil processing
- Sells at manufacturing price, minimizing the investment cost
- Easy to maintain and convenient in use when start the palm oil extractor machines
Generally, palm oil extraction involves extracting palm oil through different palm oi extraction machine, including sterilizer, thresher, presser, filter and clarification machine, oil storage tank. And the main palm oil extraction steps are:

- Sterilization: the goal of sterilization is lipase enzyme inactivation and release the fruit from the bunches and soften the palm fruit, so the nut or pulp can be easily separated. The palm bunches are usually cooked with live steam for about 90 to 120 minutes.
- Threshing: cooked bunches are taken into the thresher to separate the fruits.
- Digestion: it involves the release of palm oil in the fruit which is achieved y breaking down the oil-bearing cells. The digestion process will make palm oil extraction much easier and will take about 30 to 90 minutes with 100℃ steam.
- Palm oil pressing: there are two methods of pressing: wet or dry. Dry method is to squeeze the palm oil out from the oil mixture through mechanical pressure while wet method uses hot water to catch the oil.
- Palm oil clarification and purification: this main goal of this process is to separate palm oil from other impurities, such as water, fine solids and others.
- Palm oil storage: the crude palm oil should be stored in the specialized tank for further transportation and selling.
We manufacture and supply palm oil extraction machine, including palm oil extractor, palm kernel oil extractor, palm oil mill plant, palm oil processing equipment and more, with great affordability. Here, you can get the perfect palm oil machine with very low cost but with great quality. If there have any needs for palm oil extractor or palm oil mill plant, please contact us directly. We promise you the best service and the most professional suggestions!